
7/12/2016 - 7.12.16 NPD Call Act Report for Monday 7/11/16 / POKEMON Go Safety Tips

Good Tuesday morning all,

Welcome to the day before hump day! …. Before we get to our report, let’s get a weather update;  …SUNSHINE again …. Enjoy!! 

July 6th has changed the world around us forever …. Its gripped everyone and the events of that day will shape all of our lives for the foreseeable future …. It seems NOTHING will ever be the same …. But hang in there folks …. We MUST stay positive and fight through the events of that day TOGETHER ….Unless you have been living under a rock for the past week, you know I am of course referring to ….. POKEMON GO!!!  

Pokemon Go is a phone app that has its users leave the house and explore their surroundings to catch Pokemon …. The game has users walk down REAL roads to catch fictional Pokemon characters via their smart phones  …. Great idea ....Right?  ….I Mean, combining video game with PHYSICAL ACTIVITY…. But of course …. Nothing is all good!!

Nationwide since the release of the game police agencies have been receiving reports of crimes …. Including a robbery in Michigan where its believed the victims were targeted through the game by being lured to a secluded area….

So here are some tips from the NPD to keep the kids (…and … comeon’ - Admit it all you adults that are also playing the game!!) – SAFE ….  

1 Let the kids know the facts about Stranger Danger …. You just never know who you could run into while searching …. But make sure they know their surroundings and to play with others.

2 Set limits on where you allow your kids to roam… let them know that you have limited them to the neighborhood … which will also reduce the likelihood they will run into strangers…

3 Be alert and watch the road! … I’ve already witnessed many people playing the game, not paying any attention to the road …. They are so engrossed in the game that they have wandered into the street … and I’m sure some have walked into objects like utility poles and trash cans ….Please pay attention (…or …ahh… tell your KIDS to pay attention!!)

4 On the note of certain adults playing the game … it reportedly works in cars traveling under 20 mph … DON’T DO IT WHILE DRIVING!! … This is absolutely distracted driving!!  

5 As always …. If you run into anything suspicious - like persons possibly up to no good …. Report it to police as soon as possible …. Remember – that gaming device can also make phone calls!!!

Okay … go search those gyms and pokestops …. I …. I … Read …. That that’s what they call them …. Have fun and be safe !!!

The Tuesday NPD Call Activity Report is attached with some highlights below:

103 Total calls

11 Ambulance (Medical Assist Calls)

13 Door checks / Burglar Alarm checks (Residential / Commercial)

10 Motor Vehicle enforcement stops

2 Motor Vehicle Accidents (None serious)

No Vandalisms

No Burglaries

No Robberies  

9 Arrests ; (1 Larceny, 2 DWI, 2 Warrants, 2 Probation Violations, 2 Motor Vehicle Related Arrest)


The Monday 7.11.16 NPD Call Activity report:

Have a great Tuesday everyone… We will be here!